吳伯雄主席體驗美兆服務/Wu Poh-hsiung came to MJ for health screening

【陳本瑜╱台北報導】/【Isabelle Chen, Taiwan】



After the successful President Election support, Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) visited MJ Member Appointed Medical Institute - MJ Clinic to have health screening.

 Accompanied by MJ's medical director P.K. Sung and administration head Joyce Liu, Chairman Wu completed all checks and enjoyed the standard meal. He praised MJ for its screening process of “all check-ups in 4 hours”, which is really great for someone as busy for public affairs as him. In addition, MJ also left him a deep impression on the comfortable environment and nice service.

 While understanding MJ health management is based on the health promotion by screening, Mr. Wu admired that MJ contributes to the social morality and agreed that the better the MJ health management, the lower the government medical cost will be. He will push government to promote “people health management” to make all citizens healthier.

Mr. Wu Poh-hsiung (middle) praised the high efficiency of the MJ system matches modern people's demand.


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